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Privacy Policy

Last Modified: August 25, 2024

Privacy Policy for Phanes ('Bot' or 'Service')

Phanes is committed to protecting your privacy. This policy outlines the types of information collected during Bot interactions, how it's used, and the security measures in place to safeguard your data.

Information Collection and Use

When you interact with the Bot, we collect data such as names, messages, timestamps, and user commands. This information is crucial for the Bot's functionality and for improving our Service.

Data Logging for Debugging

In compliance with Developer Privacy Terms, all commands that invoke this Bot are logged for debugging purposes, including chat/user ID, command invoked, timestamp, and related arguments. Logs are stored securely and are purged periodically.

Data Sharing and Security

We do not share personal data with third parties.

Data Retention

We retain data only as long as necessary for the operation and debugging of the Service. Logs are rotated and purged within 7 days, following strict security protocols.

Third Party Links

Occasionally, we may offer third-party products or services, which are governed by their own privacy policies.

Consent and Changes

Using this Bot signifies your consent to this privacy policy. Any changes to the policy will be updated promptly.

Contact Information

For privacy-related inquiries, contact us via @phanes_bot using the /dm command.